Freitag, 10. Dezember 2010

Emulator Project V

Since last Month i made a huge Progress on my Emulator.
Here are the main Facts:

-Added a Basic Attack sytem
-Added Autospawn
-Added Items: Skin Change Scroll, Globals
-Added NPC Talk
-Added a Monster Respawn Sytem
-Added a basic Guild Sytem
-Added Safezones (Only Monster Despawn atm)
-Added a Autoregister System
-Added Item Drop
-Added a Mod Sytem (ex. is the Damage Mod, you see it in the screens)
-Fixed many Stability Bugs
-Fixed NPC Angle

Enough from Words, now some Screens:

Invisible Mobs..

Attack Testing

NPC Autospawn

Testing of GM Commands - Europe Quest Area

Server Stability Test

Testing of the Level System -- Damage Mod

Respawn Bug, Client got ~5k NPC's Spawns

2 Kommentare:

  1. jo Flow habt ihr eig auch ne homepage


  2. Bis jetzt noch nicht. Ist noch viel zu tun auf dem Server. Wir können ja mal in ICQ drüber reden.
